Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire – Four Quartets Of Love And Modern Lash


‘Parisian label Another Moon announce the release of the second collaborative album by Scott Monteith , aka Deadbeat , and Paul St Hilaire , aka Tikiman , entitled Four Quarters of Love and Modern Lash . When asked about the album’s motivations and production process, Monteith had the following to say: “I first heard Paul’s voice back in 1996 when I stumbled upon the first Burial Mix 10″ in a local shop, and it would be no exaggeration to say it has echoed in my mind ever since. We began working together in 2008, and it’s fair to say the experience of performing and learning from him has left an indelible mark on my artistic process and my outlook on life in general . . . I’ve had a folder on my hard drive called ‘For Tiki’ for 14 years now, for those more often than not late-night studio moments when I stumble upon a rhythmic or musical phrase and hear that unmistakable voice bubbling up in my mind . . . I wrote the initial sketches for what would eventually become this new album over the course of last year to a large extent as a way of trying to process what I perceived as a creeping darkness and sickness in both my own life and the world in general that desperately needed exorcising. When I received his initial response, I nearly fell off my chair. It goes without saying that Paul is a lyricist and poet second to none, and anyone familiar with his enormous body of work can attest to that.” ‘

2LP / Another Moon

Cat. No. AMOON002LP

Availability: In stock

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